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Restoration and Rehab

First and foremost, we purchased The Knight House to restore her to her original beauty and conserve her vast history for many years to come. Here we will be sharing our journey of restoration and rehab of this amazing, historic home!

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The Knight House ca.1979

The Exterior Face Lift

The previous owner left us a few major projects that were left unfinished. So that has been our main focus after buying the house in April 2024.


The Trench and Foundation

This has been the most pressing issue. The previous owner started to put in a French drain to help waterproof the foundation but left a deep trench open to the weather for almost 2 years.

The Knight House May 2024
Getting ready for vinyl siding.


Finishing the Vinyl Siding

Finishing the vinyl siding has been another immediate issue. Parts of the wood structure of the house have been open to the elements for quite a while. We also decided to cover the existing wood siding with vinyl to further encase the house. A lot of the wood is rotting and is expensive to replace and is a lot of maintenance. 


New Handrails for the      Front Steps

One of the safety concerns was the missing handrail on the front steps. The steps are approx. 7 ft wide and rise to almost 10 ft tall at the top.

We wanted to try and match the grandness and aesthetic of the 11-inch-wide columns on the porch, so the new handrail was built with 6x6 posts. When the weather and lumber dries out we will be painting the new railing white along with the front porch.



The Kitchen and Office

Another major project that needed our attention was the new kitchen area and former summer kitchen building. A previous owner built a new wing onto the house attached at the dining room. This wing was and will be the new "modern" kitchen. This new wing also connects the main house to the summer kitchen building that originally would have been a separate structure.

The Journey So Far...
6 Months In

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